By Marg Kutz
Today we met with the man who oversees Rumbek University and opening the Catholic University here in Rumbek. The university is called science and technology but they have no labs. Their plan was to transport the students to the university in another city. They did that once but it was so expensive they could not repeat it. It has been three years with no experience in a lab. We talked to him about partnering to ask USAID to provide a grant for a lab that could be shared by the universities and secondary schools in our area. Next week I will share with our science teachers experiments that can be done without a fancy lab, kitchen items, home school type. Thanks to Katie Fliegler, Mindy Kelly and Kate Ewalt for their assistance. We will see if I am up to the task. I have got to be one of the least knowledgeable educated persons in the area of science. Pray for me and our teachers!